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Robert & Joann Smythe are AMSOIL MASTER DIRECT JOBBERS who are T1 Certified, T2,T3,T4 Trained in Amsoil Product Knowledge. We have 2 Kids and 1 grandchild. We became dealers because we used AMSOIL products and loved them. We believed in the product & knew the great potential to build a business with it. Our goals are to have a family business and are training our kids how to become entrepreneurs.
We currently are doing shows & events and take calls on the go. Should you like to place an order or have questions or would like more information about becoming a dealer, customer, retail account, or commercial account don’t hesitate to call. We work hard for our customers and you can always rest assured we will be honest and helpful.
832-499-6393 Joann Cell
832-499-6388 Robert’s Cell